WELCOME to the Anybodybutjohn.com Discussion Groups

The purpose of these discussion groups are to discuss the issues!!!


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All discussions prior to September 5, 2001 have been archived but can still be viewed


Manrun.wmf (7000 bytes)

Go John Go...Away!

Manrun.wmf (7000 bytes)



Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just because a person has a different opinion does not warrant name calling. Young or old, your opinions about the issues are important. If you want your message to remain on the board, please stop the name calling.

As tempting as it may be, please refrain from vulgar language, threatening, SEXUAL or otherwise illegal posts.

These posts will be removed in their entirety if/when discovered.

If you come across a post that violates this policy, please forward the title of the post to


A note on name calling - Please STOP! The integrity [(Pronunciation: (in-teg'ri-tE) - thank you anonymous poster] of this web site is based on the knowledge gained about the issues and not who can call the other a nasty name. Quite frankly, if you decide nobody but John is your choice based on the issues, then we respect your freedom of choice.

Disclaimer: Posts on this site do not represent the opinions of Anybodybutjohn.com.

Anybodybutjohn.com encourages all visitors to utilize the message boards to discuss the issues. Just as anybodybutjohn.com has exercised our freedom of speech, we encourage visitors to use this message board. Anybodybutjohn.com does not edit, delete or alter posts unless they are found to be vulgar, threatening, sexual or otherwise illegal. Posts that are altered  by Anybodybutjohn.com shall remain on the board with a administrative notation. This message board is available for everyone to be used as a learning tool.

Note regarding minors - Anybodybutjohn.com recognizes that children may access this site to become informed about government and politics. We do not verify ages and therefore encourage all persons below 18 years of age to have parental permission prior to posting information on this site.  Regardless, children should never post personal information on this or any website.